Our Little Pea turned 6 months old yesterday. I can't believe she's already been with us for half of a year! To celebrate, we decided to let her try some "real" food, as real as baby food can be. You might be wondering why we chose squash to start with. I had read that yellow vegetables, as opposed to green ones, are easier on babies' stomachs and are probably better to try first. Also, we didn't want to start with something sweet and then have her reject foods later that aren't sweet. And lastly, I craved squash in a big way when I was pregnant with Little. So, why wouldn't she like it now since she obviously wanted it then?
Day 1: The experience was definitely fun, at least for Frank and me. At first, she really liked the squash. She was trying to take the spoon from Frank to put in her mouth. Then we started giving her some oatmeal cereal (which she has had before). When we started alternating back to squash, the real fun began. She would take it at first, but then would get this twitch, almost like she was taken back from the aftertaste. It was hilarious! I tried to upload a video, but it didn't work. I might try again another day.
Day 2: Today was a slam dunk. Little ate all of her squash and rice cereal and never even made a funny face. I hope she keeps this up as we try new things.
So, I guess we will continue the squash for a couple of more days, just to make sure she has no allergies to it, and then we'll venture on to another. Maybe we'll try carrots next. I can't wait.
Love to all...
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