A lot has been happening around our house. Little is walking all over the place now, holding onto things, of course, since she can't walk by herself yet. She walks from toy to toy and pulls up on anything she can. It's amazing to watch her each day as she does new things and makes new noises. One of her newest accomplishments is that she has started feeding herself finger foods! She is eating banana puffs and peach yogurt melts. The banana puffs are all little A's, so I told her they stand for Amara. They dissolve in her mouth, which makes it kind of tricky because once her fingers are wet, they start dissolving and sticking to her fingers. But she's doing so good and getting better at it every day. As easy as it is for her to put toys in her mouth, I'm sure she didn't realize it would be so tough to get something so small in there. She has really been a pro at eating solid foods. She still nurses 5 times a day, but she also eats 3 meals of solid foods in addition to her little finger food snacks.
Here is what her typical daily food schedule looks like:
Breakfast: Oatmeal (mixed with about 2 oz. of breastmilk) and 2 oz. fruit
Lunch: 2 oz. green vegetable and 2 oz. other vegetable (carrots, squash, etc.) and finger food snacks
Dinner: 2 oz. vegetable and 2 oz. fruit/whole grain combination and finger food snacks
I will have to get some of these yogurt melts. Isaac loves his banana puffs too!