Thursday, November 3, 2011

Playdates...We are Back!

This week we had a playdate at our house, thanks to me feeling better with my RA. It's been a really long time since we've had one at our house. In fact, the last four were all at different people's houses. It's so nice to be feeling better and to have everybody over again. We had a really good crowd. It got really loud at times, but I loved it! I remember at one point noticing that every child here was playing with a different toy that made noise, all at the same time. Frank called from work and I could barely hear him on the phone. It was great! We tried to take a group picture, but this is what we ended up with.The other kids were on the couch at one point, but they all started crying one after the other until all we were left with was Easton and Little. If only you could've been a fly on the wall watching us try to get the kids to sit for a picture together. It was pretty hilarious.Thanks to some great friends for a wonderful playdate where I got some much needed girl time.

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